

Few things sadden us more than listening to someone with the verbal type so when your body surrenders to the occasional drippy type sniggering is not an option.

Dietary Supplement containing 4 billion friendly Bacillus Clausii spore bacteria to help support the intestinal microflora and occasional diarrhoea.



By the middle of the journey of our lives there will come a time when we look back and realise procrastination and constipation are similar but there’ll be nothing more satisfying than to know that you were one of those who kept moving as easy as pie and nearly as satisfying.

Natural herbal dietary supplement containing Senna and Aloe plants traditionally used to help occasional constipation and bloating.


You’re probably busy so we’ll skip the blurb.

Traditionally used during sexual intercourse to help reduce the probability of unwanted pregnancy and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases.



Bliss can be defined in lots of ways, but after a night of excess of food or drink Mourning Glory would probably be something very close it.

Natural herbal dietary supplement containing Milk Thistle traditionally used to ease general, disagreeable ill-feelings such as headache and stomach upset the morning after a night of excess of food and drink as well as support the body’s natural ability to metabolise alcohol.


When your hectic, deadline-filled schedule of early starts and late nights sees people recoiling in horror as you approach with your blocked nose and sniffles or your frenemies reconsider the wisdom of the double-cheek kiss it’s time to move to damage control.

Natural dietary supplement containing liquorice traditionally used to ease occasional nasal congestion, runny nose and minor sore throat.



It’s 2pm. There are no snooze-inducing wind chimes and you’ve counted a million and one sheep. A Siesta is like a brief respite and we’ve been told it may induce spontaneous skipping and new language skills upon waking.

Dietary supplement containing Melatonin traditionally used to help promote a relaxed state and ease occasional sleep disturbances such as jetlag.









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